1970, Balassagyarmat

She qualified as an applied photographer at the Focus Training Centre in Budapest in 2017, then in 2020 she completed the photojournalism course of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists. The mentoring of Gyula Sopronyi, Róbert László Bácsi, D. András Hajdú and Tamás Szigeti contributed greatly to her professional development. Major awards: Press Photography Competition “Everyday Life Series” 1st Prize (2020), Press Photography Competition André Kertész Grand Prize (2020). A solo exhibition of her work opened in Veszprém in 2019.

Butterfly Girl

selected works from the series

digital photograph, archival pigment print laminated on dibond
47 x 70 cm

Butterfly Girl

Lídia és Karol átkötözik Miranda sebeit. Az akár 2-3 órát tartó kötszercserék a lány napjainak legfontosabb és egyben legfájdalmasabb eseményei voltak. / Lídia and Karol change Miranda’s dressings. The rebandaging sessions, which could last up to 2-3 hours, were the most important and also the most painful events of the girl’s day.

Butterfly Girl

Az állástól, sétától hamar elfáradt, de ha táncról volt szó, számára nem létezett akadály. Születésnapján sokszor táncra perdült. / She quickly became tired from standing or walking, but when it came to dancing nothing could stop her. She took to the floor several times on her birthday.

Butterfly Girl

A Fővárosi Állatkertben, ahová születésnapi ajándékként jutott el, gyerekek kedveskedtek neki. Társaságuk nagy örömmel töltötte el. / The children were kind to her at the zoo, where she was taken for a birthday treat. She really enjoyed their company.

Butterfly Girl

A sebekbe ragadt kötszerek levétele erős fájdalommal járt. / Removing the bandages adhering to the wounds was extremely painful.

Butterfly Girl

Miranda szervezete 2020. november 4-én feladta az EB elleni küzdelmet. Utolsó útjára legkedvesebb játékai is elkísérték. / After a 12-year struggle, the girl’s body gave up its battle against EB on 4 November 2020. Her favourite toys accompanied her on her final journey

Butterfly Girl

Nagymamája és édesanyja tizenkét fehér galambbal búcsúztak Mirandától. / Her grandmother and mother bid farewell to Miranda with twelve white doves.