1972, Budapest

She completed her studies in the Vocational School of Fine and Applied Arts as a Domanovszky Prize holder. After completing further studies in painting and a postgraduate programme in 1996, she received her teaching degree in art history at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 1998. She won the three-year Pécsi József Grant in 1996. She was awarded the prize of the Association of Hungarian Creative Artists in 1998 and the Divald Károly Prize at the XI Photography Biennial of Esztergom, while she was the recipient of the grand prix of the XII Photography Biennial of Esztergom in 2000. She was awarded the Balogh Rudolf Award in 2019. Old photographic techniques are at the focus of her interest, and she mostly works without a camera, directly on light-sensitive paper. Her works are preserved in the collections of Hungarian and foreign museums.


photo sculpture, archival pigment print of photogram
160 x 120 x 50 cm

Introverziók – B1 (hajlított) / Introversions – B1 (bent)
Introverziók – B1 (kiterített) / Introversions – B1 (spread out)